60900 8 Foot Born Learning Bench
The Born Learning Bench is a great compliment to the Born Learning Trail, offering an opportunity for extended visibility and volunteer engagement. It’s the perfect trail addition to parks, playgrounds, and school yards.
60902 4 Foot Born Learning Bench
The Born Learning Bench is a great compliment to the Born Learning Trail, offering an opportunity for extended visibility and volunteer engagement. It’s the perfect trail addition to parks, playgrounds, and school yards.
60903 6 Foot Born Learning Bench
The Born Learning Bench is a great compliment to the Born Learning Trail, offering an opportunity for extended visibility and volunteer engagement. It’s the perfect trail addition to parks, playgrounds, and school yards.
60901 Born Learning Picnic Table
This all-weather picnic table compliments the Born Learning Trail provides a gathering spot for parents, caregivers and grandparents and their young children. It's great place to reflect on the sign activities or to enjoy a healthy snack.